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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Each Moment is Precious!

An old post from Facebook on April 10th.

Once you take your life for granite, then your end has started.......make each moment, interaction, friend and loved one in your life count.....and hold it all precious!

Stay Focused on the Good

An old facebook post from February 5th.

As I set out on my back porch in the sun on this lovely day, some would say I got it made......and in a lot of ways i do.......lots of family time, plenty of quality time with my wife.......but some times its too can be hard to stay busy and keep my mind off of my problems........I miss working, but I love being blessed with all the time I have.......remember to always take all good from whatever gets thrown your way........just a simple thought that could easily change your life and it better.

True Blessings!

An old Facebook post from April 15th.

I am not sure which of my best lifes blessings is better......finding and falling in love with my beautiful wife Dee Dee or having two beautiful daughters to share my life with and to help raise in this world.........both are the best things I have in my life....... I guess I should not even try to make a guess at it, because I am just plain and simply blessed...... my life is fullfilled with them in it!

The Start of Expressing Myself Through A Blog

I have been asked on many occasions to start a blog, so here goes.  For some reason God has given me the ability to express myself very clearly, whether it be through my music or my words.  I seem to have the knack for showing the positive in ALL situations.  Some folks would look at recent events in my life and say that I have been crapped on in a big way, but I don't see it that way.  I have said it many many times before that I have been given second chances numerous times in my life and being diagnosed with stage four cancer is just another example of this.  I am not dead yet, I am still alive and kicking...........being given the chance to show that it is ok to hurt, cry and even get ticked off at ones life and in general the way things go.  In this same train of thought though, to show on a consistent basis that even though it is ok to show these feelings, one can NOT dwell on them or they will surely lie down and die.

For these reasons I am writing this blog.  It is my hope that many people from all walks of life will read what I have to say and either be lifted up or (pardon the expression) get off their ass and live life like it is supposed to be lived...........with WILD ABANDON!!

You will read the occasionly swear word here and maybe even an opinion that you may not agree with, but hey! isn't that what is so great about this country we live in?  Don't dwell on a specific word or sentence, but instead take the entire post for what it is and either use it or move on.

As I always say............LIVE LIFE and NEVER LOOK BACK!! Cheers!